Beautiful Flowering Trees: Landscape Maintenance | Potomac MD

"One day I shall buy some land, plant countless seeds and watch them grow into beautiful flowering trees. A cool breeze will bring me sweet fragrances, from a thousand flowering trees. I shall listen to the songs, from birds perched in the tall flowering trees." (adapted from Rishi Menon)

While planting trees from seeds and planting a thousand trees is not a reality for most people, the poet speaks to our senses. While the weather is cold and storms bring snow, our senses long for the scents of life in the ground. Spring is coming and we would all like to stand at our door and smell the fragrance of blossoms from the flowering trees and hear the sounds of birds.

Flowering trees are available for every yard, no matter how large or small. You can have a small Jane Magnolia, a White Fringe Tree, a Pink Smoketree, .... There is a multitude of flower trees that will enhance your landscape and bring you the scent of spring.

Not sure which tree works best for where you live? You can consult the Arbor Day Foundation website as a start. It will help you see what trees you can choose from before spring arrives.

Then consult with a reliable company that provides landscape maintenance so your tree is planted in the best possible spot and you know how to maintain it. You want to ask them when is the best time to plant a tree, how much to water it in the first year, what you can do to maintain it, and if they periodically come out and maintain the tree. These are the basic questions to ask any company before planting that flowering tree that will enhance your house and speak to your senses. 


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