Choosing Building Stone: A Sound Investment | Potomac, MD

Building stone is a fantastic choice when constructing the exterior of a home for many reasons. Here are four of them to get you started. 

Ages with Grace

Building stone ages well. Plastic, wood, and other sidings all can show signs of 'wear and tear' over time. To prevent this, some chemical coatings are required to help the wood or plastic withstand more life. On the contrary, building stone is extremely durable, and requires little to no maintenance, and most say that it only gains beauty as time goes on.


While it does take some energy to turn stone into "building stone" quality, it takes significantly less energy than other types of sidings. Also, for those concerned about the environment, stone requires no chemical protective coating to make it beautiful, which cuts down on pollutants.

Cheap Over Time

Since building stone lasts longer than most siding, you are investing in a product that can last you for 3 or more decades. And, again, you won't be spending all that unnecessary money on cleaning and preserving materials.

Aesthetically Pleasing 

Building stone is visually appealing to everyone who happens upon your home. While there are other types of siding that are aesthetically pleasing, you just can't beat the natural look of building stone.


Is your home's exterior in need of an overhaul? If you're in need of a company with the right materials:

Visit Irwin Stone

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